Tgèsa Pazzola Huonder-Monn


Autres informations du fournisseur: Tgèsa Pazzola Apartment in a multi-family house with forecourt and large garden. The house was built in 1970 and has been renovated regularly. 2 parking spaces are available. On foot about 5 - 10 minutes to Bugnei. Approx. 20 minutes to the nearest shops, Bogn Sedrun, station Sedrun, Snowpark Valtgeva. From the first overnight stay you will get the Disentis Sedrun guest card with a lot of benefits (for example in summer free train rides, free cable cars and in winter free country skiing) All benefits you will find here arrêt de bus "Bugnei, via Alpsu" 75 m, gare ferroviaire "Bugnei" 0.1 km, ferry-boat "Seedorf UR (See)" 27.3 km.

Informations sur l'hébergement

En général
Parking, Lave-linge, Pistes cyclables, Lave-vaisselle, Excursions en montagne, Randonnée, Utilisation d'internet, Sports d'hiver, Patinoire, Piste de luge à proximité, Salle de ski/sport, fridge
Balcon, WiFi
Animaux domestiques
Animaux acceptés