Ferienwohnung Keller


Autres informations du fournisseur: Your domicile Apartment in a multi-family house. Garage available. Walking distance about 5 minutes to the station and shopping. Free local bus in the main season, next stop: station From the first overnight stay you will get the Disentis Sedrun guest card with a lot of benefits (for example in summer free train rides, free cable cars and in winter free country skiing) All benefits you will find here www.disentis-sedrun.ch arrêt de bus "Disentis/Mustér, Claustra" 80 m, gare ferroviaire "Disentis/Mustér" 0.3 km, ferry-boat "Landungssteg SGV Flüelen" 28.2 km.

Informations sur l'hébergement

En général
Parking, Lave-linge, Télévision, Aire de barbecue (avec bancs), Lave-vaisselle, Excursions en montagne, Randonnée à vélo, Utilisation d'internet, Sports d'hiver, Salle de ski/sport, fridge
Balcon, WiFi