Ferienwohnung Dentervitgs
Autres informations du fournisseur: Sunny apartment with mountain views. 4½ room apartment, well-located with beautiful views in a peaceful street. Comfortable beds, relaxin loungeroom and modern kitchen, the kitchentable is 118x74 and can be extended to 192x73cm. There is a garden sitting place iwth chairs and table (140x140cm). TV with chromecast. Walking distances: 5 minutes to the train station, supermarket (Coop or Denner) skilift and wellness, 3 minutes to the ski shop and ski school. Arrêt de bus "Sedrun, Tgèsa Communala" 0.2 km, gare ferroviaire "Sedrun" 0.2 km, ferry-boat "Seedorf UR (See)" 26.8 km.
Informations sur l'hébergement
En général
Parking, Lave-linge, Aire de barbecue, Pistes cyclables, Lave-vaisselle, Excursions en montagne, Randonnée, Utilisation d'internet, Sports d'hiver, Patinoire, Piste de luge à proximité, Salle de ski/sport, fridge
Balcon, WiFi
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