Tgèsa Hirundella
Tgèsa Hirundella The 2.5-room ground floor apartment is in a detached apartment building with three apartments. The house is next to the church with unobstructed view of the beautiful mountains and the hamlet of Surrein. The cross-country ski run and the winter hiking trail are next to the house. The large garden invites you to linger. There is a storage room for skis etc. at the entrance to the house. In summer it's possible to park the car next to the house. In winter the park lot is a few minutes away. (parking card available). Pets are not allowed. In the whole house is not allowed to smoke.
Accommodation information
Parking, Balkon, Fernseher, Radwege, Bergtouren, Wandern, Shower, Wintersport, Ski-/Sportraum
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