Museo Comunale d'Arte Moderna


The Municipal Museum of Modern Art in Ascona, located in a beautiful late 16th-century building overlooking Via Borgo in the heart of Ascona, houses the Collection of the Municipality and is home to two foundations: the Marianne Werefkin Foundation and the Richard and Uli Seewald Foundation.

The Collection of the Municipality originated in 1922 when many of the artists who came to Ascona decided to donate their works with the aim of creating the Municipal Museum of Ascona. Among the most important works are Alexej Jawlensky's "Head of a Girl," Cuno Amiet's "Fruit Collection," and Paul Klee's "The Red House," which were offered by the Russian painter Marianne Werefkin along with five of her own works.

But most notably, the museum hosts the collection of the Marianne Werefkin Foundation, which with approximately 90 paintings and 170 sketchbooks is by far the most important collection of this extraordinary artist, a key figure in the Blue Rider (Blaue Reiter) avant-garde movement. The Richard and Uli Seewald Foundation is also affiliated with the museum, which gathers works by the artist, a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and a late member of the Orsa Maggiore group, as well as works from his private collection, including a beautifully rare Utrillo painting, a Klee artwork, a splendid drawing by Franz Marc, and a watercolor drawing by Kubin.

The Municipal Museum of Modern Art in Ascona, located in a beautiful late 16th-century building overlooking Via Borgo in the heart of Ascona, houses the Collection of the Municipality and is home to two foundations: the Marianne Werefkin Foundation and the Richard and Uli Seewald Foundation.

The Collection of the Municipality originated in 1922 when many of the artists who came to Ascona decided to donate their works with the aim of creating the Municipal Museum of Ascona. Among the most important works are Alexej Jawlensky's "Head of a Girl," Cuno Amiet's "Fruit Collection," and Paul Klee's "The Red House," which were offered by the Russian painter Marianne Werefkin along with five of her own works.

But most notably, the museum hosts the collection of the Marianne Werefkin Foundation, which with approximately 90 paintings and 170 sketchbooks is by far the most important collection of this extraordinary artist, a key figure in the Blue Rider (Blaue Reiter) avant-garde movement. The Richard and Uli Seewald Foundation is also affiliated with the museum, which gathers works by the artist, a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and a late member of the Orsa Maggiore group, as well as works from his private collection, including a beautifully rare Utrillo painting, a Klee artwork, a splendid drawing by Franz Marc, and a watercolor drawing by Kubin.

Important information

Yuri Catania «Jazz off the Wall - New Orleans Journey»

22 giugno - 1 settembre 2024

Per il quarantesimo anniversario di JazzAscona, Yuri Catania – artista e fotografo milanese che dal 2013 vive e lavora a Rovio, nel mendrisiotto – ha ideato per JazzAscona il progetto di street art Jazz off the Wall, una mostra a cielo aperto che si snoda tra le vie del centro storico di Ascona con oltre 40 installazioni site-specific realizzate con la tecnica della paste-up in una forma di arte partecipativa che vede il coinvolgimento della popolazione, delle scuole e delle associazioni volontarie. Il progetto culmina al Museo Comunale di Ascona, nelle cui sale si potranno ammirare fotografie e fotocomposizioni, che esplicitano le tappe del percorso artistico di Catania.

Operating Hours

Closed now
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 17:00
Getting There


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